Arhodico image gallery


Kampos one of the most beautiful areas in Chios comprises a unique housing blend where the unique nature scenery is combined with the special local architectural characteristics. It is an area filled with lemon and orange trees teeming with old manor houses.
Kampos is a southern area of Chios only 6 kilometres away from the town.It has been declared a’historical site’ as well as a traditional housing estate protected by he Ministry of Culture.It accommodates 38 Byzantine churches and lots of manor houses 64 of which have been declared as preserved monuments by the Ministry of Culture Kampos makes the visitor aware of the wealth and the nobility which was characteristic of Chios due to the development of trade and navigation The foreign visitors that happened to pass by the island of Chios describe the gardens as well as the magnificent manors of Kampos with extreme enthusiasm.
As soon as the characrerisic gate leading to the orchards opens one is astounded by the breathtaking spectacle of the tower looking buildings he sees. These halls of residence were in their original form (17th- 18th century) towers of Genovese architecture which were reformed according to the conditions so as to function as houses of the rich aristocratic families of the region. Most of those towers of Kampos collapsed after a very strong earthquake in 1881.Their owners however rebuilt them following the same architectural genre adding some new classical elements.
Some main characteristics of these buildings – the so called’Arhodica’ is the multi-coloured facet of the outer part which is due to the coloured stone which is produced in the adjacent village called Thimiana as well as the awesome gate which usually bears the emblem of the family.

Tour of Kampos either on foot or by bike.

Get to know Kampos to have a sense of the island. Walk or rather cycle along its paths but make sure you are equipped with the necessary information or brochures since the area is extensive and the roads are narrow and labyrinth-like.

Means of transportation
to and from Chios:

Important Telephone Numbers:

  • Port police - 2271044432
  • Airport - 2271023998
  • Hospital - 2271044302